Ty’s Leadership and Communication Coaching

Improve Your Skills, Improve Your Career Results

Everything Starts with YOU: Your Message, Influence, and Ability to Inspire, Question, Listen, Unite, Resolve, and Achieve Results.
According to a Harvard Business School study, managers (leaders) spend 70 to 90 percent of their time in communication with their teams and others at work. Leaders who lack good communication skills struggle when it comes to ensuring persuasion, responsibility, social engagement, delegation, difficult conversations, creating and managing a value system, and in providing consistent support and motivation for their teams. On the other end of the spectrum, the leaders who have excellent communication skills consistently excel at all of the above and through effective leading, sound planning, monitoring and communicating. The fact is effective communication is of the utmost importance when it comes to leading successfully. It is a leaders communication skills which motivate and inspire teammates to work hard and achieve team targets and organizational goals as well.

Two quick questions:

1) Are you a leader who needs to improve some aspect(s) of your leadership and communication qualities?

2) Do you have a leader or small leadership group who need to improve some aspect(s) of their leadership and communication qualities?

If you answered with a resounding “YES!” to question number one or two, you have come to the right place at the right time.

Let's Connect

Ty Howard’s leadership and communication skills development coaching spans from while in high school as a student leader, Ty Howard’s High Impact Leadership & Communication Skills Coaching Programsten years of honorable and decorative military service, eight years working inside of a few fast-paced Fortune 500 business offices in corporate America, and seven years as a sales account manager and sales trainer. Also add on, 25 years as founder, principal and chief strategist of a globally recognized communication and leadership development company, InspiraGen Institute. Ty Howard has the experience and knows how effective communication skills can benefit and act as an advantage in helping a leader to lead effectively and achieve ‘consistent’ results.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE GREAT LEADERS, YOU’VE GOT A SERIOUS PROBLEM. Many business problems, both internal and external, arise from poor communication and struggling leaders. WHAT’S IMPORTANT TO YOU?
Your leaders have to effectively translate the strategic vision, goals, and priorities of senior management into operational plans for their teams. They need to engage and empower their employees to produce results. And, they need to develop the company’s future leadership to ensure its long-term success.
If the above does not happen consistently on a daily basis and your struggling leaders are not given reliable assistance, an experienced Communication Coach, it will continue to cost your organization time, people, and money.
Do not fret. Leadership and Communication Coach Ty Howard has created proven coaching solutions and tools that—Connect Leadership and Communication—to improve the communication and social skills of your leaders (executives and key people).

Great Leaders Aren’t Born, THEIR TRAINED AND COACHED. Here’s Your Path to Creating Great and Inspiring Leaders who Lead and Communicate Better with Confidence, Clarity and Connection, Going Forward…

How does Ty Howard and his IGI Team do it?

At InspiraGen Institute, we coach and train some of the toughest leaders (key people companies like to improve so they can keep them) and many of the best leaders (key people companies want to groom for advancement and senior leadership) on a local, national, and global scale. We provide an up-to-date, robust leadership and communication development coaching programs and services that deliver real ROI for your management/leadership coaching dollars.


Any leader that needs to express themselves in the workplace will benefit from working with Leadership and Communication Coach, Ty Howard. Professionals from all fields have to communicate clearly with their colleagues, clients, team members, and management on a daily basis. These relationships often determine how successful a leader can be in the workplace and their career.

Let's Connect

Ty Howard’s Leadership and Communication Skills Success Coaching Program (and Process) offers a transformative advantage to executives and leaders on all levels by assisting the Key Person (coachee) in the following ways:
Coach Ty provides tools to help improve communication in situations where the Key Person might be:
– Struggling to express themselves clearly.
– Finding it difficult to speak with confidence in a professional setting.
– Having trouble speaking articulately and conveying ideas.
– Difficulty understanding body language and social cues.

As well as helping the Key Person to:
– Gain a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities as a leader.
– Be authentically more persuasive and develop a clear message.
– Resolve conflict in the workplace.
– Cultivate active listening and how they use their emotional intelligence.
– Develop leadership skills.
– Speak with confidence in presentations.
– Help with critical/crucial/cultural conversations.
– Write constructive, actionable feedback.
– Assist in areas related to ESL pronunciation and accent reduction.
– Adapt their leadership style to meet the needs of individual team members.
– Communicate organizational goals that get results.
– Apply delegation and time management strategies.
– Use effective coaching techniques to maximize their team’s performance and results.

– For Executives, Directors, Managers, Supervisors, and Emerging Leaders.

*Ty Howard also offers and provides Executive or Leadership Group Coaching sessions.

Coaching sessions with Coach Ty are conducted Face-to-Face, virtually (Zoom, Webex, MS Meetings, Skype), or by telephone across the United States or globally with individuals who speak fluent English.
Who most often initiates the coaching relationship to hire Leadership and Communication Coach Ty Howard?

1. Human Resources
2. Key Person (Coachee – Executive, Director, Manager, Leader)
3. Manager of the Key Person
4. Other (the Key Person and organization work jointly)

Call Ty Howard’s business office today to inquire about his Leadership and Communication Skills Success Coaching rates and availability at (443) 982-7582.
Coaching sessions with Coach Ty are conducted Face-to-Face, virtually (Zoom, Webex, MS Meetings, Skype), or by telephone across the United States or globally with individuals who speak fluent English.
The Communication Skills Success Path

– Public Speaking Skills Development
– Presentation Skills Development
– Cultural Sensitivity Communication Skills Development
– Assertive Communication Skills Development
– Difficult Conversations Communication Skills Development
– Business and Social Networking Skills Development
– Honest and Transparent Communication Skills Development
– Overcoming Nervousness, Anxiety, Stuttering, Awkward Tics, and Sweating
– Criticism and Discipline Skills Development
– Positively and Tactfully Managing Your Manager Communication Skills Development
– Making Your Words, Actions and Influence Count in Positive Ways
– Inspirational Leadership Communication Skills Development
– and more…

The Leadership Skills Success Path

– Consistent Peak Performance Skills Development
– Delegation Skills Development
– Responsiveness, Time Management and Follow-Through Skills Development
– Organizational Skills Development – (Getting Organized and Focused as a Leader)
– Team Building Success Development
– Improving Your Responsiveness and Follow-Through
– Successfully Making the Transition from Staff Member to Supervisor
– Winning Mindset and Success Habits Development
– Emotional Intelligence and Social Engagement Development
– Trust and Likability Development
– Personal and Career Goals Planning and Accomplishment
– Sounding Board Support and Advising
– Balancing Work and Life
– Civility and Respect
– Capitalizing on Your Political Savvy
– Giving Yourself a Passion Tune Up
– Knowledgeable Help and Support with Challenges and Struggles
– Calming and Proper Self-Care Skills Development
– Strategies for Creating a Fun, Fair, and Happy Work Environment
– #bounceUPTM Innovation, Flexibility, and Resilience Development
– Coaching from a Distance
– Beyond Basic Supervision
– Creative Leadership
– Leading Virtual Teams
– Leading Your Team Through Change and Ambiguity
– Leading and Coaching Your Team for Peak Performance
– and more…

Let's Connect

Ty Howard’s Leadership and Communication Skills Success Coaching Process typically requires a minimum 6-month commitment to make the relationship work.
Through Coach Ty, you will learn and embed effective leadership and communication principles that become a source of ongoing development, inspiring confidence, individual transformation, and increasing value.
Location and Frequency
Coaching is conducted in your office or at a location convenient to Ty and you. Zoom, Webex, MS Meetings, Skype, or telephone coaching sessions have been used successfully for clients across the United States and around the globe. Ty will meet frequently enough to keep your goals and priorities ‘top of mind’ while still having ‘active learning’ time between sessions for you to work on your goals and developmental assignments. Ty Howard will discuss your needs and a customized personal improvement action plan will be created to fit your unique goals and improvement needs. The winning-edge you gain by having Ty as your high-impact and reliable coach is that your coaching relationship will be completely customized and targeted to your specific needs, from the beginning to end of your coaching program agreement.
Is Coaching Confidential?
Confidentiality is vital to effective coaching and non-negotiable. Having worked in the Office of the Naval Inspector General (a 3 Star Admiral) while serving in the United States Navy and as a human resources generalist and office manager in corporate America, Ty follows and adheres to a strict code of ethics.
In this coaching relationship, Ty Howard will call you, write to you, and even push you if he must, to help you achieve the specific leadership and communication success goals you have agreed upon. The program is ongoing for six, nine, or twelve months. You will be in contact weekly. Or, at least, Ty will! You may start at any time, on a day and date you choose. You will never have to doubt Ty’s commitment to you, he brings his full commitment, success strategies, tools, and passion to each client he accepts into his intensive Leadership and Communication Skills Success Coaching Program. There are no “breaks” or “freezes” once you get started working together. There are also no refunds of any payments in this engagement, for any reason, unless Ty Howard cancels your participation because he feels you do not want to be helped or you’re not 100% committed to your co-created coaching agreement, in which case, he will then provide you with a prorated refund.
You may also call or write Ty Howard at his business office Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Eastern Time at (443) 982-7582, to ask questions or have a discussion on your participation in his intensive Leadership and Communication Skills Success Coaching Program.
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Medical Disclaimer: The information provided and shared in Ty Howard’s coaching programs is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Ty Howard, capturinggreatness.com, and the experts who contribute on his team. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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